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Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a unique approach to psychotherapy that uses bilateral stimulation to replace the negative images/memories in the mind that cause the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress with positive images of the client’s choosing. This works because bilateral stimulation both calms the nervous system when it is in flight or fight mode and stops negative memories or images from replaying in your mind. The effects of ART are immediate and significant, often within 1-2 sessions. Once the negative images have been replaced by positive ones, the triggers will be gone. Nightmares and repeated intrusive thoughts will stop. One of the special aspects of ART is that when clients replace their negative images with positive ones they don’t need to talk to the therapist about any details of the trauma. This is because ART is a procedural and creative process that leaves the client in complete control.

Some of the growing body of research that shows ART can do this may be found by clicking the following link: 

ART is recognized as evidenced-based by the Society of Clinical Psychology, Div. 12 of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is a covered service for clients using insurance.

With these therapies, combined with ART’s eye movements and other ART enhancements, many mental health problems other than Post Traumatic Stress can also be resolved quickly. Among the things ART can deal with are OCD, Eating Disorders, Generalized Anxiety and Generalized Depressive Disorders. ART can deal with traumas often associated with Dyslexia but also go beyond that to improve reading! (The issues that have been resolved by ART are listed more fully below.)

That eye movements are calming and therapeutic is evidenced-based. It has been shown that they produce theta waves in the brain. Theta waves have been connected to creativity, intuition, daydreaming. These brain waves are often present during meditative states.Although some traumatic experiences such as assault, combat or loss of a loved one can be very painful to visualize, early in the ART session the client has already rapidly moved beyond the place where they are stuck in these past experiences and is making positive changes of their choice. ART sessions are ultimately calming and clients report feeling a sense of relief and calm after their first session.

Jennifer Kokes, LPCC, is an ART certified therapist and can work with teens and adults to reduce trauma triggers, panic attacks, anxiety and more. Call today to schedule an appointment for Accelerated Resolution Therapy.